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I want to have my thesis written by someone else!

Güncelleme tarihi: 24 Ağu 2022

In this article, we wanted to touch on an important issue by compiling the observations and experiences of our professors who have completed at least 10 years in academic life. We would like to share with you some information and thoughts about getting the thesis prepared on your behalf by paying for it, which is called "have your thesis written” in short.

First, let's determine the current situation

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When you type “I want to have my thesis written by someone else” in the search engine, you may encounter dozens of sites that provide services on this subject. When you examine these sites, the first things that catch your attention are messages such as "reliable thesis writing", "professional thesis writing service", "tens of happy clients" and "100% guaranteed thesis writing service". You can see these messages on almost every site. In addition, these sites state that they provide "100% quality thesis writing from titled professional teachers", they openly claim that they are the "best thesis preparing site" and they have contact numbers that can be reached 24/7. All this will reveal to you a very striking view that an important sector has emerged in this field. In addition to these, among the suggestions on the search page, there are suggestions such as "how much does it cost to write a thesis?", "prices for writing thesis with money", and "the prices for writing a thesis" will allow you to estimate the dimensions of this situation.

We will soon come to how accurate the information provided on these sites is. However, if we first evaluate the strikingness of the general view of the situation, this view, which includes dozens of theses writing sites, is unfortunately true. Because, unfortunately, the thesis has become a buy-sell product, like an item, material or service that you can buy if you have money today. Today there are many; There are places that write thesis stating that they provide cheap thesis writing services.

So, is there anyone who writes a thesis for money?

Yes, unfortunately, we know that today there are people who write theses for money, even if their numbers are small. That's why there are sites that respond to this demand. How could such a thing happen? Do mentors make a difference? Does the jury matter? We guess you said. Yes, mostly they don't. Because the advisor in the thesis, in which such a way is applied, does not meet with the student during the thesis process after giving the thesis topic. It does not give any direction such as "Let's write here like this, change it here like this". As such, they cannot have the slightest information about who wrote the thesis and how it was written. It is not possible for the jury to know this unless the advisor does not notice, because they only read the written thesis before the defense. They do not have any information about the process.

Who are the people who write thesis for money?

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Let's say from the beginning, those who write thesis with money are not economically strong students, contrary to popular belief. In other words, there is no relationship between wealth and writing a thesis. There are different factors in front of this. The main ones are;

  • counselor does not "consult",

  • not being able to spare time for the thesis due to working,

  • the thought that the thesis will not be useful since it will not be useful in practice

  • and not knowing what it means to do a master's or doctorate and seeing it as a formality

When one or more of these are combined, and the student's poor research and writing skills are added, thesis writing behavior emerges. Our observations show us that first of all, the thesis is written in cases where the advisor has no interest and control, the thesis is not checked at certain intervals as a process, and even when the advisor has never seen the student after giving the thesis topic.

In addition, if the student is in a busy working life and cannot spare time for his thesis, this situation becomes inevitable. In addition to these, some of those who have thesis written think that the thesis written will not actually provide any benefit to science, "it will not work". Therefore, they think that there is no difference between my writing and my printing. If the fact that doing a master's or doctorate is not known what it means and is seen as a formality is also present with this thought, writing a thesis is seen as a reasonable option to apply.

So, is it a crime to have thesis written with money?

para ile tez yazdırmak suç mu

Yes, crime. Because you are expected to write your thesis in general. There are some reasons for this, besides the necessity of a work that belongs to you, to be presented by you and to deserve the title to be taken. The most important of these is that preparing a thesis is actually a process that teaches the student how to do an academic research in practice. In other words, especially at the master's level, with the thesis prepared, it is expected that the student will gain skills by doing how a research is done from the beginning to the end, how the findings are organized and presented.

It is aimed for the student to step into the academic world or to progress in this world with the guidance of the advisor, such as on-site directions and clearing up the blockages. Therefore, writing a thesis is considered a crime because it goes beyond the meaning of the thesis and graduate education.

So can I get help?

Yes you can. Under normal circumstances, it is expected that you will receive this help from your advisor and that your advisor's help will be completely sufficient for you. However, we know that this is not possible for different reasons. In this case, you can get support in some parts that require expertise such as how to write a chapter, how to make a calculation, statistical analysis, laboratory tests. If you notice, this is a different situation than having the thesis prepared from beginning to end without touching the whole thesis. With your participation in the process, you can get help in matters that require a separate expertise. It's even better to take it. Because there will be a permanent work that will take its place on the shelves of libraries and cost science. For this reason, it would be wrong for a content such as wrong information, methods and results to be permanent. In addition, the higher the quality of the work, the better the work will be. For this, it will be the right decision to get an expert's opinion, consultancy or help when necessary.

tezim için yardım almak istiyorum

For example, you are an expert in psychology. In fact, you are an expert psychologist who has been successfully involved in the sector for years. You want to examine the relationship of several psychological characteristics with a subject, taking into account some personal characteristics. You dominate your field. Your mentor is also an expert in his field. You also get help from him. However, you are insufficient in the selection and application of statistical analyzes suitable for the model to be included in your thesis. In this case, it would be wrong to expect you to go beyond the subject you are an expert in and try to become an expert in statistics, which is a science in itself. You can get outside consultancy about these. However, of course, although it is not possible to go into the details of why and how these are done, you should learn them in the process. Or you have finished your study, but you may not be sufficient in terms of language and expression. Because writing requires a separate skill. In this case, you may want your thesis to be read from beginning to end by an expert eye. This will provide an important quality contribution to your thesis. Errors that cannot be corrected later will be corrected before your thesis becomes permanent.

At this point, we come to an important issue. Getting the right help from the right place…

How can I determine the right place to get help?

Please don't be misunderstood. Let's say it up front: We have no intention of ending the paragraph with the words "we eat right". We only intend to convey what we know based on our experiences and observations.

You will most likely search for this place on the internet as it is one of the first tools we turn to today to meet any of our needs. The fact that you are reading these lines right now is an indication that you use the internet frequently. At this point, we advise you to be careful. At the beginning of our article, we mentioned that when you type “I want to print a thesis” in the search engine, you may encounter dozens of sites that provide services on this subject. You do not want to print a thesis but want to get help, but these sites will appear. When you examine these sites, "reliable thesis writing", "professional thesis writing service", "tens of happy clients", "100% guaranteed thesis writing service", "100% quality thesis writing from professional professors", "the best thesis printing site" You will see messages such as ” “Contact available 24/7”.

However, we regret to say that these are mostly not true. Except for a very small number of sites that really provide consultancy services, there are no really titled professors working on them. At best, there are people who have a doctorate, who have gained a certain level of experience by doing research in several fields, who do not actually have a grasp of the field of study, but who can bring together different information. Well, that's the best possibility. Mostly, the text presented to you is full of wrong information, expression errors, and spelling mistakes. How do we know? Because there are services such as editing and proofreading among the services we provide, we often encounter them. When we meet with our student who requests service from us, we unfortunately understand that he is on the way to receive such a service. Let's come to dozens of happy clients and a 100% pass guarantee. You can't find the slightest proof on these sites that someone is truly happy, that they stand behind their work until the end. There is even the possibility of not seeing the site after 4-5 months. Yes, we do not expect service recipients to show their names, but they do not have the slightest proof. The communication that can be reached 24/7 is also not correct. We learn from some of our clients who contact us that unfortunately they never answer these phones when they don't want to.

So what should I do?

First of all, when you want to get help for your thesis, we recommend that you stay away from the sites that state that they wrote the thesis for you. When you find a suitable site, examine how long these sites have existed, together with their social media accounts. Do they have articles on their site showing their academic proficiency? Check these out. Ask questions that test your academic depth and demand answers. Offer to pay part of the fee when you see sample pages without work. If you can pass these tests, evaluate the fee they ask for. If you've been told a very cheap fee, consider whether a title-holding instructor would be able to dedicate the time needed to that fee.

We would also like to emphasize a very important point. Will they be able to answer any questions you may have about the help you seek, from defense to defense? Make sure of that. We mentioned in the first part of our article that preparing a thesis is actually a process that practically teaches students how to conduct an academic research. That's why this is so important. Yes, we do not expect you to be an expert on what has been done, but in general, will you be able to learn the logic of what has been done, why and how it is done when you need it? Be sure of that.

Last word…

In this article, as we mentioned at the beginning, he has completed at least 10 years in academic life, We wanted to touch on an important issue by compiling the observations and experiences of our title holders. While doing this, we also wanted to point out what you should pay attention to so that you do not experience any victimization if you want to get help for your thesis.

We wish you success in your academic journey…


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